If a payment for an anonymous order does not go through the first time for whatever reason (invalid card number, payment gateway timeout, etc.) subsequent attempts to submit a payment for that order will fail with the error:
Value cannot be null. Parameter name: request.Payment.Order.User
This is due to a bug in AbleCommerce that causes the user ID associated with the order to be removed. This is the correct action for anonymous orders that have been completed, but in this case order processing is not yet complete.
To work around the issue you have to dive into the database and add the anonymous user’s ID back to the order record. After this step has been done the next attempt to process a payment should proceed normally. This has to be done after each payment failure.
From the AJAX settings screen (/admin/settings.php?section=ajax) you can modify various parameters regarding how Moodle loads the YUI libraries. One of the options is to cache the JavaScript output. This has obvious performance benefits and should normally be enabled. However, during a recent update it appears that caching has broken the ability to edit. Whenever an editing page loads the browser throws the following error:
TypeError: M.core_formchangechecker is undefined
The form actually loads but because of the JavaScript error the rendering of the forum stops before it is complete, leaving the user unable to edit a number of options for the component being edited.
To work around the issue I have disabled caching. This isn’t ideal, but until a solution is found it is the most workable option.
Float styling is a useful aspect of CSS … until it’s not. When a floated element occurs inside a container and you want it to be wholly in that container you have to resort to hacks to do so. Or do you? Never content to assume that a question has been resolved, I decided to see if anyone had come up with a new method of clearing a float. Lo and behold a solution has emerged, and the solution is so simple as to defy logic: apply overflow: auto
to the container element. I’ll leave the full explanation (with examples, alternatives, and warnings) to the experts.
Of course, there can be advantages to the default float rendering. Most notably I found it useful for creating some nice formatting around blockquotes, such as in our textbook analysis report.
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