The researchers reported a problem uploading images while using the Add New Items section of the Items Utility.
The researchers were unable to access the upload server directory via the fckeditor (from the fck interface, hit image upload icon and then ‘browse’ server… js error, popup interface is non-functional). Error messages indicated a connector error. I traced this to a setting in the fckconfig.js. The fileBrowserLanguage setting was set to asp instead of php. In addition, I found there were some other mods missing. Somehow fckconfig.js was reverted back to an earlier/original version.
I found a more recent version on my local machine (last update 5/2007) which seemed to correct the problem. However, I’m not sure when I downloaded my version (so I don’t know how old it is), and I don’t know if BS has made any revisions since 5/2007.
This is the version I uploaded: fckconfig